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Sofia Lachapelle launched her book «A Special Super Hero»

Sofia Lachapelle launched her book "A Special Super Hero"

An important tool, to detect, create awareness, and an invitation to love and care for those under the Autism spectrum.

During a special event held in Miami, Florida, award winner journalist Sofia Lachapelle launched her book «A Special Super Hero», “Soy un Súper Héroe Especial” in Spanish.

The non-profit organization “Un Paso a la Vez,” is dedicated to parents and families in the Latino community that have a child or and adult with special needs. The 50% of its resources are dedicated to the Autism condition.

Download the book A Special Superhero by Sofía Lachapelle

“Our goal is to inspire parents and families to believe in a better future for their loved ones, to become part of their lives in action, because parents are called to be the mentors, and best therapist for their children’s.“ Lachapelle, mother of two kids with autism said. “Un Paso a la Vez, will provide information, emotional support, therapies and all the tools for those people under the umbrella of what we called Special Families. The official website is in Spanish because we believed the Latino community needs more resources in our language.»

Our goal is to inspire parents and families to believe in a better future for their loved ones, to become part of their lives in action, because parents are called to be the mentors, and best therapist for their children’s.

- Sofía Lachapelle

Sofia Lachapelle who is an active member of Autism Speaks and Best Buddies director board presented her book «A Special Super Hero», “Soy un Súper Héroe Especial” in Spanish that was created to be an important tool, to detect, create awareness, and an invitation to love and care for those under the Autism spectrum.

Dominican singer Fernando Villalona joined this cause and presented his song “Camina Conmigo” (Walk with me) an inspirational anthem and invitation to join this cause.

Un Paso a la Vez proudly counts with a great team of professionals like speech, occupational, and behavior therapists; family psychologist, special needs teachers and volunteers with a caring hearth who contributes with their time and love to this cause.

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  1. mireya b. brennan says:

    Hola, sofia
    Lei tu libro me encanto, es bueno saber q. ay otras personas enla misma situacion que uno y que todos
    estamos pasando por lomismo , mi unica hija tambien tiene autismo tiene 14 anos notengo ningun
    otro hijo mi esposo trabaja y yo dedico todo mi tiempo para ella . Gracias en nombre de mi hija amnda

  2. gertrudys jelenich says:

    hola sophia admiro tu gran dedicacion no solo piensas en tus ninos sino en todos los ninos con autismoo soy abuela deun nino autista y quiero ayudar a mi hijo me encanta el libro donde lo puedo comprar mandame la direccion de la organizacion un paso a la vez para yo mandar mi donacion DIOS TE BENDIGA ATI Y A TUS DOS HERMOSOS HIJOS CARINOS SINCEROS GERTRUDYS JELENICH

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